Two reports are to be prepared.
1. A detailed report giving all pertinent information for confidential use with in the
project or region. Each responsible project or office shall maintain a complete file of
detailed reports for review by the region and D-5200.
2. An Operations Improvement Report (Form PO&M-171) for submission to the
Division of Engineering, Denver Office, D-5200. The report is for the annual summary
and provides an overview of the effectiveness of the program Bureau-wide. This report
shall also be distributed Bureau-wide when other facilities will benefit of has significant
Incident/miscue reports for internal project or regional use should contain sufficient
detail for effective follow through by management. The suggested format is shown in
solution - steps taken to improve the reliability of electric service. The operations
improvement reports will be used by the Division of Engineering, D-5200, Denver
Office, to prepare periodic reports for Bureau-wide distribution.
Safety Reporting
All incidents resulting in property damage or personal injury shall be reported in
accordance with standard safety reporting procedures as set forth in chapter 4, part
365, of Reclamation Instructions, series 350. The report of the review board prepared
for internal project or regional use should accompany the accident report and may be
used in lieu of the required narrative.
Recognition of Outstanding Performance
The preparation, thought, and diligence in performing O&M action required for
incident-free performance for a sustained period of time do not come easily. Much
effort is required for their attainment. Perhaps the most effective motivation of
employees to do a good job is the sense of satisfaction gained in the knowledge they
are doing a good job. Inherent in this is knowledge that the group's (or individual's)
supervisors recognize that a good job is being done. Individuals or groups that have
demonstrated outstanding work under recognized conditions of exposure should be
recognized or