c. Control switch operation and escutcheon engraving are consistent for similar
d. Normal lighting adequately illuminates nameplates.
e. In locations where permanent emergency lighting has not been provided
and it is a critical piece of equipment, provision should be made for portable
emergency lighting and proper maintenance procedures.
f. Nameplates, switch escutcheons, and mimic buses conform to standard
SOP'S (Standing Operating Procedures)
To minimize incidents, it is necessary to initiate and sustain a program at all projects
having power facilities to periodically review and update SOP's for each major facility.
The Regional Director's authority in this program emphasizes the importance of such
action, and this support is shown by his annual certification (approval) of operating
instructions for each facility in that Region. Copies of certified operating procedures
are kept at the appropriate installation for reference, training, and use during
emergencies, A copy is kept in the project and/or regional office for review of
adequacy and up-to-date status of instructions, and in the Division of Engineering, D-
8450, Denver, for review of program implementation.
Contents of SOP'S
SOP's are based on DOC's (Designers' Operating Criteria prepared in Denver),
manufacturers' literature, engineering drawings, and regional and project procedures.
They should include, among other items, instruction as to relays which must be blocked
or removed from service while performing switching, sequence of switching
operations, use of alternate communication facilities, information on operation of major
equipment, etc. For SOP outline and preparation refer to "Power Facilities
Supplement for Guide for Preparation of Standing Operating Procedures for Bureau
of Reclamation Dams and Reservoirs." Copies of this publication are available from
Project Operation Services Staff, D-5140.