Check and record the float voltage across the whole battery with an accurate
digital voltmeter. Compare this reading to the panel voltmeter and adjust
the panel meter to agree with the digital meter if necessary.
F. Every Six Months
F. Every Six Months
Check and record the voltage of each individual cell with an accurate digital
A. After Installation
A. After Installation
After 24 hours on float and the temperatures have stabilized, record
temperatures of each individual cell on form POM-133B. Use an accurate
surface thermometer and take the readings on the negative posts. Accurate
readings are critical for extended life and performance. Check the
thermometer for accuracy at least once per year. Take all temperature
readings only on float. Do not try to take post temperatures while the
battery is discharging. The resistance of the connections causes errors in
temperature readings. An accurate IR camera may also be used for
temperature readings.
B. Quarterly
B. Quarterly
Take temperature readings of each individual cell and record them on form
POM-133B. Compare readings with the initial and all prior temperatures
for trending purposes. The highest temperature cell will typically also have
the lowest voltage.
See section 1.6C for detailed instructions.
A. After Installation
A. After Installation
Record resistance of each connection between the cell post and the
interconnection strap on form POM-134B. Contact the manufacturer for
expected readings for specific cells. See figure 2 in section 1.6C or figure 10
at the back of this FIST for resistance probe placement. Clean, retorque,
and re-coat with no-oxide grease any connection with a resistance 20
percent or more above the manufacturer's recommended value. Use these
values as a baseline.
Caution: Never put meter leads
across a cell with the
function switch on ohms. This procedure will place a voltage across the
meter instead of a resistance.
B. Quarterly
B. Quarterly
Record the resistance of 25 percent of the connections as in step A above