manufacturers, truck manufacturers, equipment suppliers, coolant and engine oil suppliers, fleet
operators, and researchers from national laboratories and universities. Because of the broad and
diverse nature of the subject, consideration will be given to forming subgroups in specific topic
areas (e.g., heat exchangers and variable-speed components). The working group and subgroups
may meet periodically to ensure that the research and development is relevant and responsive to
industry needs. The working group will coordinate activities in the thermal management program
with those in other OHVT programs in aerodynamic drag, friction and wear, rolling resistance
and braking, and propulsion materials.
Truck thermal-management-system requirements are determined in large part by
government regulations (e.g., emissions and noise criteria) and customer demands (e.g., higher-
horsepower engines, aerodynamic styling, and improved fuel economy). As a consequence,
requirements are constantly changing, typically in the direction of increased heat rejection.
Follow-up workshops, at which research progress will be reported and industry input solicited,
will be arranged and conducted to update thermal-management-system requirements and industry
trends. The truck thermal management working group and its subgroups will use the workshops
as a forum to report their assessment of the research, new technology needs and future trends. It
is anticipated that a retrospective/prospective workshop will be held within 2-2 1/2 years, and a
full-plenary workshop, for an updated 5-year plan, will be held in 5 years.
Benefits/cost analyses will be performed to quantify energy savings and emissions
reduction potential and to establish and document safety implications of new technologies. It is
important to be able to quantify energy savings and emissions reduction associated with
improved thermal management systems for at least two reasons. First, to justify higher capital
cost, and possibly system complexity, the customer (fleet and individual-owner operators) must
be convinced of the energy savings and safety improvements that can accrue. Second,
DOE/OHVT must be able to cite and validate these energy savings and emissions reduction to
justify its funding requests. The energy savings potential comes from a number of different areas.
In particular, energy (fuel) savings and emissions reduction can be attributed to improved engine
performance, improved aerodynamics, reduced weight (more cargo carried per truck can reduce
the number of trucks on the highway), reduced idling time, and faster engine warm-up. Such
contributions must be aggregated to come up with a total benefit. It is important that benefits/cost
analyses be performed early in the program and continuously updated as the program evolves.
Task 2: Advanced-Concept Development. This task addresses the need for new and
innovative thermal management concepts, systems, and designs to meet the truck industry's
challenge to accommodate increased heat rejection. These concepts can be considered long-range
and high-risk concepts that industry would most likely not explore on its own. The objectives
of this task are to identify advanced concepts, survey the state of the art and background relative
to each, and, together with the truck industry, assess the benefits, barriers, and feasibility. For
those concepts determined to be feasible and promising, further objectives are to develop the
technological base, perform proof-of-concept tests, and demonstrate component and/or
performance improvements on a concept/demonstration truck. Technology transfer is a high
priority in DOE-sponsored programs, and industry must be involved in all stages. One concept