Modeling, Simulation, Underhood Airflow, Aerodynamics
Steve Zoz, Ricardo, Inc.
Rich Valentin, Argonne National Laboratory
Sunil Jain, Navistar
Chuck Brown, American Cooling Systems
Ross Sheckler, Dynacs Engineering
Gene Barron, Freightliner
Steve MacDonald, adapco
Rose McCallen, LLNL
Ray Miraflor, AlliedSignal
Jon Wattelet, Modine
Rory Lewis, Flowmaster
Moe Khaleel, PNNL
Rich Couch, LLNL
John Johnson, Michigan Technological U.
It was stated that the overall objective in this general subject area was to predict
vehicle fuel economy and emissions for an entire drive cycle. This implies true transient
analysis and also assumes that ways to validate the models and simulations are available.
As a starting point, a list of possible submodels was given. These included the following:
underhood airflow
vehicle load prediction
cooling and refrigeration
control systems
lubrication cooling circuit
cooling systems
cabin airflow
external aerodynamics
The initial discussion concerned where within this list one should place emphasis
and the needed level of detail. There seemed to be consensus that one must start simply
and always realize that almost all of the listed topics are, in some sense, coupled effects
that will contribute to the eventual goal of predicting economy and emissions.
There was an extensive discussion of what codes are assumed to be needed.
Several of the industry people felt that it is sufficient to have a "zero-dimensional" code.