The research areas/projects listed below have been identified as appropriate for
DOE/OHVT support/funding with industry cost-sharing. The focus of government-
sponsored/industry-cost-shared research is on proof-of-concept studies and tests, to be followed
by developmental studies and demonstration, leading to ultimate commercialization by industry.
Benefits/Cost Analyses
Perform analyses to quantify energy savings and emissions reduction that are
possible from aggregated benefits directly or indirectly attributed to improved
thermal-management systems.
Evaluate benefits and costs of introducing a 42-volt electrical system.*
Advanced Concept Development
Develop and demonstrate a controlled-nucleate-boiling cooling system;
project would include fundamental studies of flow boiling mechanisms.
Evaluate/develop/demonstrate waste-heat-recovery/utilization technologies,
including waste heat recovery heat exchangers, thermoelectric converters and
storage devices.
Evaluate/develop/demonstrate heat-pipe technology.*
Advanced Heat Exchangers and Heat Transfer Fluids
Develop new materials (e.g., carbon foams and carbon/carbon composites) for
application in cooling system components, including heat exchangers;
fabricate and demonstrate prototype heat exchanger.
Further develop and gain understanding of nanofluid technology for improving heat
transfer characteristics of coolants and engine oils; develop and demonstrate product.
*A "paper study" with industry input is recommended as the initial phase of this project (subtask) to identify the
benefits (energy savings, efficiency, performance), barriers (cost, weight, materials, durability), and technical